We’re live!

In this first blog post we wanted to share some thoughts around the background for starting Qualitive.

We started working on Qualitive more than a year ago and set out with the idea of tackling the problems around qualification of roadmap items with a platform centered around product discovery. According to research by Nielsen and other consultancies more than 75% of product launches fail - it is not only startups that have a hard time finding product-market fit.

Our thinking revolved around how a lot/most items find their ways to execution in digital product development without a full view of team and stakeholder inputs. These might be seemingly small features or larger-scale products and a common denominator is that they lack proper qualification.

Internal stakeholders can provide valuable information around market feedback, commercial relevance, go-to-market, usability, technical feasibility, etc. The companies at least making an effort in the space might discuss a feature or a product in emails, meetings and workshops with post-its and MIRO boards open, but outside of the meetings little coordination take place - and the backlog keeps growing…

Our approach was to focus on both qualitative and quantitative inputs (hence going for Qualitive) and let users comment and rate on customizable parameters, add tags and get better overviews of what really matters to people in the organization. We added a roadmap view as well to create the flow from qualification to adding a timestamp to an item when this is deemed qualified to add.

Going forward we will use this blog to share thoughts on product management, innovation, discovery as well as the journey as bootstrapped startup.

Thanks for reading!

